The Blog On Fire Award…..


A while back “Saving Zeus” was nominated for the blog on fire award, by Jessica and Taylor “I Adopted a Dog-Now What”. I thank you both very much as I am thrilled that out of all the wonderful blogs to nominate, you chose mine. I would have liked to make this post sooner, but I am in school chasing a bachelor’s degree in nursing and have been super busy with my studies. Now that the holidays are here, I have a little time off and would like to thank you Jessica and Taylor for the nomination. I also would like to wish you a wonderful holiday filled with happiness and joy!

Now, with this nomination comes a pretty simple task. I need to share 8 unusual tidbits about either myself or my pet.

I think I will mix it up and share a little about both Lucky and I:

 1.       As most of you know, our wonderful Rottweiler Zeus passed away in October. The saving Zeus blog was started for him. We wanted to raise awareness to the rare genetic disease that he had and we were raising funds to help pay for his medical treatment. The Saving Zeus Blog was a success and Zeus received the best medical care in our area. Unfortunately, due to complications from this disease, Zeus was losing his quality of life and we couldn’t make him suffer. We said our good-byes on 10-12-12. I have just recently changed the blog name from “Saving Zeus” to “A Wag of a Tail”. I did this in memory of Zeus, because he had a stub of a tail that would wag uncontrollably!


2.        Lucky is trying to contain himself in his wait for Christmas day to arrive. He loves opening Christmas presents and somehow seems to know which ones are his (even the ones that do not contain any kind of food). He looks at his gifts daily wanting to open them so badly. Of course, I will be posting photos and/or videos (not sure how to do videos on my blog yet, but I will try to figure it out) of Lucky on Christmas morning.


3.       Just like Lucky, Christmas is my favorite time of year…. Not just because of the gifts, but because I love everything about it. I love the lights, the decorations, the Christmas songs, the snow, the shopping, and spending time with friends and family.


4.       I am hoping to rescue a puppy this spring. My house seems so empty still with Zeus gone and Lucky is lonely too without him. I have no idea what kind we will end up with, but I would like something that will end up being between 50-80 pounds. I don’t mind if it is a mutt or pure breed. I am not taking spring or summer classes this year so, spring would be the perfect time. I know we will find the perfect pup for our family when that time comes.


5.       Lucky has made a wonderful new friend since Zeus has passed away. A good friend of mine has a husky named Serenity and Lucky loves to meet her at the park and chase the ducks. These two pals even got their pictures taken with Santa a few weeks ago, these photos can be viewed on my blog.


6.       I love to read novels in-between school semesters. This time I am going to mix it up a little though and make more of an effort towards my blog writings and also to read more of the blogs I follow and love.


7.       Lucky and I are both looking forward to some snow this year for some good play time. Last year we got very little snow in our area and so far this year is a repeat of last year. We are hoping for at least one good snow day. We love playing in it. Lucky loves playing fetch with snowballs, making snow angels on his back, running through the snow, and helping his dad and I build snowmen.  


8.       Lucky is now the dog of the house, since Zeus is no longer with us. He is no longer being crated and has been a really good boy. He is not the watch dog that Zeus once was, but he is making a real effort in that area. He tries to guard our house at every noise he hears. Most of the time, he does a fine job, other times, he can be quite humorous. I give him an A for effort…. He is really trying hard to be the dog of the house, watching over everything, and making sure everything runs smoothly.


Next, I would like to pass along a nomination for The Blog on Fire Award to the following 8 blogs (in no particular order), who each display humor, class, and positivity with every post:


  • mrcrileysclassroom
  • stingfromabee
  • markingourterritory
  • fortheloveofclouds
  • worldofwidget
  • dearflash
  • ourdachundsophie
  • iridescently

These eight blogs are unique. They include interesting and helpful information in their writings. Some of them make me laugh, while others may bring a tear to my eye. Overall, I enjoy these blogs the most.

The One Lovely Blog Award

Thank you so much RCW for nominating me for the one lovely blog award, but don’t know if I fully deserve this award. I have only just started my blog two weeks ago and am still not too sure of what I am doing, although I am learning pretty quickly! My blog is about a girl (myself) on a mission to save her dog, but I am including stories about both of my wonderful and sometimes funny beloved pets. I hope you have enjoyed what you have read so far and I thank you again for nominating me!

I’m told there are some rules associated with receiving this award. And they are:

Rule # 1 is give a shout out to the person that nominated you. So, RCW , I say to you “Holla!” And I look forward to reading some of your posts in the future!

Rule #2 is to share 7 random things about myself which I haven’t already revealed in my blog.

1. My mother lost her ten year fight against breast cancer two years ago and there is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of her and miss her.

2. I have been a hair sytlist for 17 years and, at 36 years old I decided to return to school for a four degree in nursing. Now I am two years into classes and I love it! I think it was the best decision I have ever made!

3. My husband and I have fertility issues, so therefore, our pets are like our kids!

4. I have the most wonderful family and friends!

5. I have three brothers, two neices, and four nephews.

6. I did not meet my father or his side of the family until I was thirteen years old. My parents were young when I was born, my mother wanted to get married and my dad didn’t. To make a long story short, a thirteen year grudge finally came to an end. In the end, my parents became good friends and I got a whole new family including my dad!

7. My husband and I have been married for thirteen years and have been togeather for sixteen years. I couldn’t be happier!

Rule #3 – I am going to nominate other blogs that I LOVE for this award. They are in no particular order…