The One Lovely Blog Award

Thank you so much RCW for nominating me for the one lovely blog award, but don’t know if I fully deserve this award. I have only just started my blog two weeks ago and am still not too sure of what I am doing, although I am learning pretty quickly! My blog is about a girl (myself) on a mission to save her dog, but I am including stories about both of my wonderful and sometimes funny beloved pets. I hope you have enjoyed what you have read so far and I thank you again for nominating me!

I’m told there are some rules associated with receiving this award. And they are:

Rule # 1 is give a shout out to the person that nominated you. So, RCW , I say to you “Holla!” And I look forward to reading some of your posts in the future!

Rule #2 is to share 7 random things about myself which I haven’t already revealed in my blog.

1. My mother lost her ten year fight against breast cancer two years ago and there is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of her and miss her.

2. I have been a hair sytlist for 17 years and, at 36 years old I decided to return to school for a four degree in nursing. Now I am two years into classes and I love it! I think it was the best decision I have ever made!

3. My husband and I have fertility issues, so therefore, our pets are like our kids!

4. I have the most wonderful family and friends!

5. I have three brothers, two neices, and four nephews.

6. I did not meet my father or his side of the family until I was thirteen years old. My parents were young when I was born, my mother wanted to get married and my dad didn’t. To make a long story short, a thirteen year grudge finally came to an end. In the end, my parents became good friends and I got a whole new family including my dad!

7. My husband and I have been married for thirteen years and have been togeather for sixteen years. I couldn’t be happier!

Rule #3 – I am going to nominate other blogs that I LOVE for this award. They are in no particular order…