Life is Good

We know it has been a while since a post has been made, but a few big things have happened since then. We have moved to the lake and we love it!!! Our mom is still going to nursing school and hasn’t had a chance to update all of our great followers, so we hacked her computer so you won’t forget about us…. we will also see to it that she gets another post up soon! In the mean time, here are some photos of us at our new home….. We hope you enjoy them!


Our view from the house.

Our view from the house.

Our patio, many summer dinners and laughs were had here!

Our patio, many summer dinners and laughs were had here!

Lucky checked out the lake and is not too sure about it.

Lucky checked out the lake and is not too sure about it.

Mya checked out the lake and as you can see, she loves it!

Mya checked out the lake and as you can see, she loves it!

Sporting our new life- jackets.

Sporting our new life- jackets.

Sporting our life-jackets.

Sporting our life-jackets.

Love Always,

Lucky and Mya

Pool Time…..

We bought Maya a pool this week so her and Lucky could enjoy some water fun while keeping cool in the heat! Maya loves it and jumped in right away, lucky still isn’t too sure and will only get close enough for a drink.





Please remember to keep your pets cool on hot summer days! A pool is a great idea if they will go in it and use it. If they won’t, make sure they have plenty of shade and water to drink!

What Kind Of Ears Are Those?????

Maya’s ears are super funny right now. They don’t know if they want to stand up, flop down, or a little of both!

Maya's funny ears!

Maya’s funny ears!

Her right ear kinda stands up but then flops over on top of her head and the left ear looks like it is trying to stand up.

Are those ears standing up or flopping down?

Are those ears standing up or flopping down?

I think these ears are not quite sure what they want to do….  I wonder how long it will take for them to make up their mind and what the outcome will be when she is full grown. Maybe they will just stay like this? I guess it gives her some extra character and some great personality!

Up or down ears, make up your mind!

Up or down ears, make up your mind!

Here, her ears appear to be standing up mostly…. These ears are a little confusing! I guess they are the many different looks of Maya… What do you think the out come of these ears will be? Will they stand up or flop down? For now it is a big mystery!

How Maya Got Her Nickname…

Maya’s nickname is Pork Chop. These photos pretty much sum up the reason for such a silly nickname! Do your pets have silly nicknames? If so I would love for you to share them!

A.K.A. Pork Chop hoping for a second helping of her dinner.

A.K.A. Pork Chop hoping for a second helping of her dinner.

Maya/Pork Chop could eat forever if only I would let her!

Maya/Pork Chop could eat forever if only I would let her!

When her requests for more food go unanswered, she plays with her food bowl.

When her requests for more food go unanswered, she plays with her food bowl.

Meet Maya…

Now that this school semester has come to a close and my life is not full of chaos, I can sit back, relax, enjoy my summer, and do the things I love to do! Of course, blogging is one of those relaxing, yet fun things for me! I hope all of my readers enjoy my posts as much as I love to write them! With that said, time to get back to blogging!

I would like to introduce you to our newest little family member, Maya. She is a shepherd/pit mix and is super adorable as you will see from the pictures included in this post. She is full of energy, silliness, playfulness, and most of all, she is full of life! She is just what our family needed!

Maya...AKA Pork chop.

Maya…AKA Pork chop.

Since losing Zeus this past October, the mood and atmosphere around our house has been a bit somber and grim, until Maya came into the picture anyway. Who would have thought that a tiny puppy like her could have changed our tears into laughter! She has turned our lives upside down in every good way possible! She makes us laugh, she keeps us busy, and her puppy breath is absolutely wonderful! I had almost forgotten how much I love that smell!! Our family will never forget our special boy Zeus; he will remain in our hearts forever, but I know he would want us to move on and give a new dog the wonderful home and love he had.

We adopted Maya when she was 8 weeks old; we brought her home on March 28, 2013. Our vet, Dr. Steve drives the streets of Detroit every weekend looking for strays that need rescuing. He happened to come across a dog that was really underweight and obviously nursing. He followed her for a while and she led him to an abandoned house. Apparently she was living under this house with her ten puppies that were only about 4-5 weeks old. This is pretty amazing to me. This mother (now named Mckenna) who herself was practically starving, was providing for these ten little pups and was doing a great job. The pups were born around the beginning of February and they were a proper weight, they were being kept warm, and were overall pretty healthy. The puppies and their wonderful mama were rescued and given medical treatment, along with food, water, and a special place in our vet’s heart. The puppies went up for adoption and would be ready to go to their forever homes at 8 weeks old. Mckenna on the other hand, tested positive for heartworms. She has now been spayed and is currently undergoing heartworm treatment at Healthy Paws Medical Center. She too will be up for adoption as soon as the doctor gets her weight back to normal, and she is healthy! If you, or someone you know of would be interested in adopting her, please let me know… She took such wonderful care of her ten little ones and now she deserves to have someone take care of her and give her everything she could ever want!

Maya's mom, Mckenna... She was a wonderful mama to her puppies under harsh circumstances. She deserves a home!

Maya’s mom, Mckenna… She was a wonderful mama to her puppies under harsh circumstances. She deserves a home!

We took Lucky with us the day we picked up Maya to bring her home; it was love at first sight! Lucky instantly started wagging his tail and I swear, he had a huge smile on his face. We let them frolic for a few minutes at Healthy Paws before gathering our now larger family and heading home. Once we were home, Lucky realized that Maya was there to stay and his joy over having someone to play with again was heartwarming! He is now the big brother and is doing a fine job! He protects Maya, plays with her constantly, and lets her climb and chew on him, he even lets her sleep in his bed when she gets tired. They are best friends and they love being together!

Maya and Lucky became fast friends, here they are waiting for breakfast to be served.

Maya and Lucky became fast friends, here they are waiting for breakfast to be served.

Here we are now at the beginning of May and Lucky and Maya have formed an amazing bond! Lucky is back to the happy dog he used to be before Zeus passed away. At first, I wasn’t sure we were ready for this big leap into puppy hood, but now I know, it was the perfect thing for us! The month of April was a bit tough because of my classes, I was piled up with homework and exams and nearing the end of the semester. I didn’t have much time to work with Maya on any training, but we managed and she has learned a lot just from watching Lucky’s behaviors. Now that this semester has ended, I have started training with Maya, leash work, basic commands, and she has picked most of it up pretty quickly! Some things of course need a bit of work and her manners are not the greatest yet, but she is only thirteen weeks old. I am confident that she will improve over time with consistency and hard work. I am looking forward to a summer of fun, play, and great memories to come! It is time for our family to enjoy life again, and what better way to do that than with an adorable little puppy?

Lucky doing a great job of watching over his new little sister and keeping her out of trouble!

Lucky doing a great job of watching over his new little sister and keeping her out of trouble!